When my bobbin ran out of thread, I set to to fill it again, but altho' I could hear the machine whirring, nothing was moving.
A quick (well, not so quick - we had a lovely chat) call to those lovely, lovely people at Bambersew revealed that the problem may have been with the shaft (the bit you put the bobbin on).
I got the WD40, and peered down the hole as I squirted a bit down there with the pipe and tried to rotate the shaft. It didn't want to know, and it looked like there was something lumpy and black at its base - like something had snapped.
Very gingerly, I took the machine apart, and wiggled some of the bits. I could see almost immediately what was wrong - the 'gasket' at the base had turned to mush.
I rang Bambersew again. Yup. they had a 'bobbin winder rubber', only 95p, but the £3+ postage, and the wait for it, made me think.
Could Sugru come to the rescue again?
Very carefully, I made an o-ring by moulding a little 'snake' round the wheel. I let it dry overnight, re-assembled the machine... and YAY! It all works.
I used the remainder to line the tips of my uncomfy-without-socks sandals (that was a fashion no-no), and to add a handle to my Sharp Crochet Hook - a review on that soon, meanwhile if you want some info on that, run over to www.ravelry.com and search for Sharp Crochet Hook in the forums.